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Checking Lives Accounts:
investors passwords

continue control online

If it is good for us is good for you. So we opened an account live, minimum 10k usd for each strategy.



Checking Brokers Traders:
only accept STP 

ONLY pure DMA and regulateds

NO B bookers broker

NO cents accounts

NO market makers

Checking Lives Accounts:
continue control online


We checked with investors passwords and real accounts, all strategies. EVALUATION We do a risk for at least 3-6 months. Strategies that seem successful, use at least 10k each. With this we run the same risk as signals or strategies offered. If it's good for us is good for you.

Sell your System

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account number

investor password

server & broker



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Checking Brokers:
only accept STP and Mifid regulated


Only accept checks for recognized brokers with access to real and regulated Mifid passport. Many strategies only work in demo or brokers "makerts makers' accounts, but never such strategies are real and can be operated with the serious brokers.

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